Static variables

staticread onlyallRooms:Array<RoomNode>

List of all rooms created in the level.


Static methods

staticcreateAndAddRoomsBetween (_typeName:String, _groupName:String, _count:Int, _startName:String, _ends:Array<String>, _minSpawnDistance:Int):Array<RoomNode>

Creates _count room randomly with the type passed as a parameter within the group of rooms passed as parameter and add it between _startName and one of the Ends



type name of the room to be created. Valid type names are found in the roomType table from data.cdb


name of the group of rooms to select from. Valid group names are the separators in the room table from data.cdb. Enter an empty group name ("") to ignore group


number of room to create with this configuration


starting room name for the insertion


list of possible ending room name to pick from as end of the "between" part


minimum distance between rooms to respect.


an array containing the created rooms

staticcreateCross (_roomName:String):RoomNode

Creates a random crossing room with the name _roomName



name of the crossing room to create


the newly created room

staticcreateExit (_targetLevelName:String):ExitNode

Creates a random exit room



name of the level where the door leads. Should be either one of the id found in table level of the data.cdb or the file name of a struct script


optional name that will appear above the exit door


optional color for the exit door's glow


the newly created room

staticcreateExitFromGroup (_targetLevelName:String, _exitGroupName:String):ExitNode

Creates an exit room randomly selected from the room group passed as a parameter



name of the level where the door leads. Should be either one of the id found in table level of the data.cdb or the file name of a struct script


name of the group of exit rooms to select from. Valid group names are the separators in the room table from data.cdb


optional name that will appear above the exit door


optional color for the exit door's glow


the newly created room

staticcreatePerkShop (_maxPerkCount:Int):RoomNode

Creates the perkshop



maximum number of perk the player can have at this point


newly createdRoom

staticcreateRoomFromGroup (_groupName:String):RoomNode

Creates a room randomly selected from the room group passed as a parameter



name of the group of rooms to select from. Valid group names are the separators in the room table from data.cdb


the newly created room

staticcreateRoomWithType (_typeName:String):RoomNode

Creates a room randomly with the type passed as a parameter



type name of the room to be created. Valid type names are found in the roomType table from data.cdb


the newly created room

staticcreateRoomWithTypeFromGroup (_typeName:String, _groupName:String):RoomNode

Creates a room randomly with the type passed as a parameter within the group of rooms passed as a parameter



type name of the room to be created. Valid type names are found in the roomType table from data.cdb


name of the group of rooms to select from. Valid group names are the separators in the room table from data.cdb


the newly created room

staticcreateRunicZDoor (_roomNode:RoomNode, _runesNeeded:Int, _rooms:Array<RoomNode>):Void

Creates a Z door that can be opened with boss cells. The sub level automatically creates between 0 and 2 combat rooms



Room where the Z Door leads


Number of boss cells needed to open the ZDoor


List of rooms where the Z door should be created.


the newly created room

staticcreateRunicZDoorWithCombatCount (_roomNode:RoomNode, _runesNeeded:Int, _combatRoomCount:Int, _rooms:Array<RoomNode>):Void

Same as createRunicZDoor but specifies the number of combat room.



Room where the Z Door leads


Number of boss cells needed to open the ZDoor


Number of combat room that need to be created


List of rooms where the Z door should be created.


the newly created room

staticcreateShop ():RoomNode

Creates a random shop


the newly created room

staticcreateShopWithType (_merchantType:MerchantType):RoomNode

Creates a room shop with the specified merchant type.



type of merchant, can be : Actives; Heals; Weapons; Talismans;


the newly created room

staticcreateSpecificExit (_targetLevelName:String, _exitRoomName:String):ExitNode

Creates the exit room specified by its name as parameter.



name of the level where the door leads. Should be either one of the id found in table level of the data.cdb or the file name of a struct script


name of the exit room to create. The list of room name can be found in the room table in the id column of data.cdb and be of type "Exit"


optional name that will appear above the exit door


optional color for the exit door's glow


the newly created room

staticcreateSpecificRoom (_roomName:String):RoomNode

Creates the room specified by its name as parameter.



name of the room to create. The list of room name can be found in the room table in the id column of data.cdb


the newly created room

staticcreateTeleportAfter (_roomNode:RoomNode):RoomNode

Insert a teleport after a given room



Room after which the teleport has to be added


the newly created room

staticcreateTeleportBefore (_roomNode:RoomNode):RoomNode

Insert a teleport before a given room



Room before which the teleport has to be added


the newly created room

staticcreateTimedBranch ():RoomNode

Creates a branch in the level graph with a timed door


the newly created room Be carefull that a timedDoor has to be specified in the levelProps to use this. Else it will raise an error.

staticcreateTimedBranchBefore (_roomNode:RoomNode):RoomNode

Creates a branch in the level graph with a timed door before the node passed.



first room to be closed by the timed door


the newly created room Be carefull that a timedDoor has to be specified in the levelProps to use this. Else it will raise an error.

staticgetRoomByName (_roomName:String):RoomNode

Find a room by its name and return it



name of the room to look for


the room if found, else returns null

staticisRandomBelow (_limit:Float):Bool

Same as SeededRandom.IsBelow

staticshuffleArray<T> (_array:Array<T>):Void

Shuffles an array with the seeded random of the struct. It's accessible without the Struct.



array to shuffle